Thursday, May 12, 2011

unearthing a song: leading into prayer

now you're talking.  finally mustered this out of me after waiting 9 hours toiling away on my day job.  the words are coming slow on the memoir these past few days.  work has been preoccupying me.  but i suppose the creative side of my mind refuses to be outdone.

this song is called "leading into a prayer".  i don't know how i came up with it nor can i articulate the process of how this song came about.  i've been writing songs since i was 14.  and like poetry, i never know how it arises.  it's usually like this visitor who knocks on my door and asks if she can stay awhile and rest in my living room.  she tells me stories or asks me questions and i'm there to catch her croon.  i like the word croon when i talk about my singing.  my voice almost always slides out of my throat with an effort like a bow being pulled against a violin string.  it creaks at first and finds its way smoothly through.  i never bothered learning how to sing properly because i was too engrossed with learning the song instead of learning how to sing it.  

so this song comes out of me like an eager guest.  telling me like an observer about how she saw my day and reminding me that in the middle of it all, there's a leading into prayer.  the blessed exhale.

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